14-14 March, 2025
International Congress of the International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS)
Canada, Toronto
Event siteSafety of living ILTS-iLDLT liver donors: Short-term and long-term results
For children and adults with liver failure and end-stage liver disease, living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) is a proven treatment option, with lower waiting list mortality and morbidity, and equivalent or better allograft and patient survival than deceased donor liver transplantation.
Currently, there is a lack of detailed data demonstrating long-term outcomes and overall safety, particularly in the population of ‘healthy’ living liver donors.
There is a need to bring together experts involved in the preparation, selection, surgery and follow-up of living donors. They should review, discuss and reach agreement on safe living donor surgery practices and the short- and long-term consequences for living donors.
The consensus is made up of a select group of highly qualified healthcare professionals (including surgeons, hepatologists, radiologists, anaesthetists, scientists, nurses and patient advocates).